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Four Important Questions That Will Change Your Life

No matter where we are in life, there is always going to be a new desire ahead of us that we will want to incorporate into our lives.

A new goal, a new challenge, a new wish, a new aspiration.

It’s a beautiful thing. It keeps us moving forward, learning, gaining, growing and finding new ways to achieve, create, and triumph.

We are greedy in the most wonderful positive way, of always wanting to better our lives, better ourselves, our relationships and our happiness.

In order for us to stay on track, remain focused, and continue creating a better, happier and more satisfying life, there are four elements we need to look at.

Looking at these four aspects and examining your observation, will help you not only stay centered in your quest for a better life, but will also supply you with all the encouragement and information you need in order to reach your fulfillment quicker than you thought possible, and with ease.


A lot of times we look at ourselves and we think that nothing is changing our life.
We think and feel that what we desire is out of our reach.
Our inner dialogue consists of things like “I can't do this”, “I am not that person”, “I don’t know how”, and “I’m not good at this’.
But in a reality, we forget where we came from and who we used to be.

Just look at your past.
Who were you as a teenager?
How many things have you learned and changed in your life already?
When you were a teenager, did you imagine you would grow up to be the person you are today?
How much have you changed as a person from that teenager?
We all have places that we can look at.

Seeing who we were in the past, and all the things we’ve accomplished, learned and created is a great way not only to see how far we’ve come but also a great empowering encouragement for us to continue.

So, as you can see, it’s important to look back at our past whenever we have doubts about ourselves, our abilities, and our progression in life.

When we feel uncertain, stuck, unmotivated, or in doubt, all we have to do is look back at who you used to be.

But we don’t have to look so far back to see the changes we made both in our outer world and our inner world.

We are forever changing and evolving, and I bet that if you take a look at yourself from 6 months ago, you can find subtle and meaningful changes you made and who you’ve become.

most of the times if you just look six months back and look at your life, your relationships, you will be able to see changes that have happened.

Have you changed your dynamics with a friend? 

Have you changed your interactions with people at work?

Have you shifted your mindset in a few areas of your life?

When we look back, we can see the person we used to be, and see who we are now.

And that is the second aspect we want to look at.

After looking at who we used to be, we want to take a look at who we are right now.


Now that you took a little walk down memory lane, it’s time to look at your present life.

Reflecting on the past few days,  notice how you’ve interacted with people, what you did differently then you used to in the past, notice the subtle changes that you made both in your external life and your inner life, your relationships, your thought patterns that have changed perhaps.

Take a small inventory of who you are as a person right now. What does your life look like right now?            
How are you looking at things differently than you used to?

Changes happen in small and subtle increments, and many times go unnoticed.

Changes, many times happen in very small steps, we think that life changes only with really big steps or events, but it's not. It happens every day, in unnoticeable ways that we are mostly not aware of.
And then one day, as they accumulate, stack up on each other and build themselves, they grow and become noticeable.

Have you ever experienced something that later on, reflecting on it you see yourself and think, “wait a minute, where did this come from?”,  “I reacted in a totally different manner than I usually do”, “I behaved in a way that I never did before”,  “I did not know that I had this in me”.

Taking the time to observe your current life, who you are, what are your patterns, habits, and routines, without judgment is like taking an inventory of what your present life and looks like.

The third question that we want to look at is:


This question takes a look at both previous questions, the past of who you were, and who you have become.

Answering this question allows us to see how what we have been practicing, and how the changes we made, made us who we are today.
Looking at what we are practicing now in our life, shows us who we are becoming with these new practices.

This question helps us reevaluate and look at who it is that we are becoming with these new practices and the changes that we created in our lives.
This is a place where we can look inside ourselves and create that little inside reflection inside looking at ourselves and who we are becoming and how aligned it is with us and our intentions.

Because the thing is, a lot of times what happens with us is that we're mostly living in a reactive mode. We don't think too much about every action, reaction or everything that we go through life. We're very much automated people.

We wake up in the morning and we go about our day for the most part in a very automated way. And we're not putting too much thought into.

We walk in the street. We say hello to people we know, we smile, we're reacting to the environment around us and what is happening around as us as who we are right now.

So looking at who we are becoming is just a way of looking inside of us, looking at our alignment and centering ourselves into who we are inside ourselves to make sure that we are aligned with who we are.

Who am I becoming is a way of seeing where our current life is leading us and what it will look like if we continue what we are doing and being now.

 And that brings us to the fourth question and the most beautiful question that we forget to look at most of the time.


This question really centers us by combining all three questions with deliberate intention.

Who I used to be, who I am today, who I am becoming, and now, looking forward, we take a look at who we want to be, and the life we desire to have, so that we can focus and pave our path better, tweaking our practices to support us in becoming who we a want to become.

This is where we can look at who we are right now, who are becoming and set the intention of choosing new practices that will help us become who we want to be.

We get to look at ourselves and choose an even better version of ourselves and the life that we desire to live.

This question opens us up and makes room to look at new possibilities.

Because at every given moment we are becoming, we are creating the next moment. Whatever we put into this moment right now, is going to take us into the next moment of who we are becoming.

That is why putting the intention of looking at who I want to become, is so important.

This question helps us focus and start practicing new things in our life that will lead us towards what we want.
This question helps us focus, center and align our current self and life, with the becoming of who we want to become.

Acknowledging who we were and the beauty of how much we have progressed in so many ways and how we've changed in so many ways.
Looking at who we are now and that shows us, and seeing the changes we have already created in ourselves and in our life.
Seeing and acknowledging the person we have become and that we are today from the person that I used to be.
Then by looking at who we who we are becoming, we evaluate our path alignment with our desires of who we want to become and the life that we desire to have.

With practicing these four questions every now and then will keep up on track, focused, and content while we continue creating a better life for ourselves, improve our relationships and be proud of ourselves, and our life’s unfolding.

Because no matter what, there's always room for us to move forward with who we can and become an even better version of who we are right now.
And yes, although right now, we already are a beautiful version of ourselves, there's always an even more beautiful version of us that is waiting for us to explore and to find, practice and gift ourselves and the world.

As written at the beginning of this article, “No matter where we are in life, there is always going to be a new desire ahead of us that we will want to incorporate into our lives.”

Taking the really small steps with small things is what actually create the bigger things in life, so practicing and observing these four components regularly will guide us will continuously, inspire and invite to make our life what we want it to be.

If you have any questions or comments, please share them with me in the comment section below. I love interacting with you guys.


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